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Team Blog #21

SSST Blog 4/15/2020

During this week's class meeting, all teams met with prof Furman to discuss the engineering ethics assignment. We had a very thoughtful discussion as a class in answering ethical questions about the Boeing 737 disaster and how engineers could have prevented it, by applying the engineering ethics. We discussed that three main engineering ethics were violated; the Fundamental canon, the Informed Consent, and the precautionary principle. We also discussed the best solution to take as an engineer if you found a problem at work that will have the potential to put people's lives in danger.

After the discussion was over, we had some time as a team to discuss the progress of our work. Last week, the team presented their second presentation of the semester, and a lot of progress was done.
The team went over the tasks that were a little behind and discussed how we will approach simulating our work using softwares like Solidworks.

For bogie:

Julio was able to render the pod and bogie using fusion 360 and the team agreed that the finished pod/bogie on the track will be rendered the same way once the final design is complete.

For Guideway:
The team started modifying the y-junction to take into consideration the comment Dr. Furman and Mr. Ron made during the presentation. The team will add a sloped edge that will allow the wheels of the bogie to enter the junction smoothly.

For Controls:

Last week a lot of good progress was done. The Arduino code is complete. The team will now focus on developing the app to add a keyboard that sends data to the BLE or even button or sliders that represent the different stations.

Written By:
Asmaa Darwish


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