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Team Blog #4

This week's progress:

During this week, the team has been doing research on the Bluetooth module we will be using to connect our mobile app to the Arduino. We narrow the options down to either the BLE-shield or the Bluefruit.

                       Image result for bluefruit vs Image result for ble shield

The team discussed how we will go about designing the base support for the guideway. We will be using PVC pipes, washers, nuts, and threaded studs for the supports to elevate the track.

Complete by Next Week:

The team will be creating a BOM of the components and sensors we still need. The team will also make a prototype of a stepper motor controlled by an ultrasonic sensor. 

The team will be designing a snap-fit design for the connection between the bogie and the pod and hopefully 3d print it as a demonstration for the rapid prototype assignment.

The team will be working on the CAD design for the supports.

Written by Asmaa Darwish


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