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Team Blog #20

SSST Blog 4/9/2020

Progress for this week:
Due to the recent changes that the team had to undergo, most of the week was spent refining and finilizing the new project goals.

Controls Team
Because the controls team does not rely heavily on what was available in the superway center, the scope for controls did not change much. Because time was spent adjusting and adapting, some dealines had to be pushed back and a complete physical system that incorporated the app, arduino and the two pods had to be set aside. However, both the iOS app and the arduino code will still be written so that it could work in unison to control the pods. This past week a successful table top sysetm of the motors and sensors (which include the servo motors and the pixy cam) was developed and tested. With the BLE connecting, research was conducted on how to incorporate user inputs that would send specific signals to the BLE.

Guideway Team
With out access to the superway center and the maker space the guideway team had to put a halt to manufacturing. Instead the team has decided to focus on developing a detailed solidworks assembly of the guideway along with an animation and simulations. The animation of the bogie traversing along the guideway would prove that the design is reliable and that it would have worked. The simulation would provide confidence in the design by proving that the parts would not fail.

Bogie Team
Like the guideway team, the bogie team had to revert to 3D modeling and simulations. This past week the team implemented some design changes that needed to be done on the solidworks model. this consisted of changing the location of the pixy cam. The CAM was moved from the front of the pod to the bottom after it was observed that it would make it easier to obtain a clearer reading of the barcodes that would be utilized. The team also changes some parts of the model so that it could properly fit the electrical components that would be used. Renders of the pod was made in a clear material to show how all the components would of fit into the pod.

Plans for next week:
This next week the controls team will work on implementing promps with usable buttons or text input. While the app is being developed refinement on the arduino code will also take place. The guideway team will focus on developing a working y-switch mechanism and rail on solidWORKS. For teh bogie team, work will be done on rendering the final components needed for the bogie. The small scale team as a whole wants to provide an animation of the whole sysetm along with some simulations so everyone will pitch in to research on how to do that.

Written By:
Lissette Romero
April 9, 2020


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